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Moneyback Guarantee

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Get the item you ordered or your money back—it’s that simple.

Our Money Back Guarantee applies to virtually everything on our site, and there's no extra fee for coverage. It’s automatic and covers your purchase price plus original shipping on eligible purchases*. Follow these steps to get your refund.

Contact Your Seller

If an item hasn’t arrived or isn’t as described, go to my order history, select the item in your purchase history, and reach out to your seller.

Not resolved? Let us know.
If you’ve talked to your seller and the issue still isn’t resolved after three business days, contact us.

We’ll get your money back. Fast.
You can count on hearing from us within 1-5 working days.

Money Back Guarantee means you're protected if the item you ordered didn't arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn't match the listing. You'll get your money back. For all the details of how the Money Back Guarantee works, please see our full policy guidelines below.

When does Money Back Guarantee apply?

You're covered under Money Back Guarantee when:

  • You don't receive an item
  • You receive an item that doesn't match the listing
  • You receive an item that's broken or faulty

Our sellers normally work with buyers to quickly resolve any issues, but if you can't agree on a solution, you can ask us to step in and help. In most cases, you'll be covered by Money Back Guarantee.

What happens if the seller doesn't respond or won't give me a refund?

Under Money Back Guarantee, the seller has 3 business days to resolve your issue. If you can't come to an agreement, you can ask us to step in and help. We'll review the details of your case and make a decision within 48 hours.

If I refund a buyer, will I get a credit for my final value fee?

In most cases, if you issue a full refund to the buyer before we're asked to step in, we'll credit your final value fee. Insertion fees and other fees aren't refunded, though.

Purchases are covered by the Money Back Guarantee when all of the following are true:

  • An item isn't received or it isn't as described in the listing

  • A buyer reports that they didn't receive an item or requests a return within the Money Back Guarantee timelines

  • The item was paid for in a single payment

  • If the listing was a live auction by an auction house seller and paid by any payment method, the purchase is covered as long as the buyer provides a copy of the seller invoice and proof of payment. (Items sold through Sotheby's are excluded.)

  • Items collected in person are covered, provided all other requirements are met

Not covered:

  • Buyer remorse or any reason other than not receiving an item or receiving an item that isn’t as described in the listing
  • Items damaged during local pickup
  • Local pickup items that were not collected by, or on behalf of, the buyer
  • Items not delivered, damaged during collection, or damaged during shipment when the buyer arranges pick-up or shipping of the item (for instance, the buyer arranges freight)

When a buyer doesn't receive an item

If a buyer doesn't receive an item, the buyer needs to submit a request to report that the item hasn't arrived. The seller should address the buyer's concern and provide tracking information, updates on the delivery of the item, or a refund.If the buyer isn't happy with the seller's response or doesn't receive a response, the buyer can ask Eoem to step in and help.If asked to step in and help, we review the information provided by the buyer and seller for evidence of a successful on-time delivery to the buyer's address (as displayed on the 'Order details' page) or proof of collection by the buyer.

Information required to prove a successful on-time delivery is all of the following:

  • The tracking number provided by the shipping company uploaded to the site by the seller before the estimated delivery date;
  • A delivery status of "delivered" (or equivalent in the country to which the item was delivered);
  • The date of delivery;
  • The recipient's address, showing at least the city/county or zip code (or international equivalent) that matches the address displayed on the Order details page;
  • Signature confirmation, if an item has a total cost of $500 or more.

If we determine that the item wasn't successfully delivered or collected, a refund of the full cost of the item and original shipping is sent to the original payment method or to the buyer's account (For example PayPal). The seller is required to reimburse eoem for the amount of the refund.

Buyer obligations

Generally, the buyer is responsible for accepting the item when it arrives. If the buyer refuses delivery, their claim is not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee.


  • The buyer can provide, via written proof from the carrier, that they refused the package because it arrived empty or was damaged in shipping
  • The buyer accepted and opened the package only to determine that it was an empty box
  • The item arrived COD because it didn't have enough postage on it

The buyer is responsible for paying any customs and duty fees for international shipping.


  • The seller overstated the value of the item, which caused customs fees to be higher

Item not received

  • A buyer can report that they didn't receive an item once the item's latest estimated delivery date has passed, and for 30 days after the latest estimated delivery date
  • For event tickets, a buyer must report that they didn't receive the tickets no later than 7 days after the event date or 30 days from the latest estimated delivery date, whichever is later
  • The seller has 3 business days from the report to respond to the buyer with a solution (through either a replacement, a return, or a refund). If the seller does not offer a solution or the buyer is unsatisfied with the solution the buyer can ask eBay to step in and help
  • If the buyer doesn't ask us to step in and help within 21 business days of reporting that they didn't receive an item, the request closes automatically

Item not as described

  • A buyer must request a return no later than 30 days after the actual (or latest estimated) delivery date, or, if the seller's return window is longer, within the return window
  • For event tickets, a buyer must request a return no later than 7 days after the event date or 30 days from the actual (or latest estimated) delivery date, whichever is later
  • The seller has 3 business days from the request to respond to the buyer with a solution. If the seller does not respond with a solution, the buyer can ask eoem to step in and help.
  • The buyer must ship the item back to the seller within 5 business days from when the buyer starts the return.
  • For items where there's no tracking uploaded by the buyer, if the seller doesn't issue a refund within 2 business days of the item's return delivery date, the buyer can ask eoem to step in and help for a period of 10 business days after the refund deadline has passed
  • For items where the buyer has uploaded tracking, if the seller doesn't issue a refund within 2 business days of the item's delivery to the seller, we will automatically issue the buyer a full refund on the seller's behalf. The seller will be required to reimburse us for such refunds.
  • If the buyer doesn't ask eBay to step in and help within 21 business days of starting a request for a return (or the timelines described if a refund, replacement or exchange isn't received), the request closes automatically

Replacement and exchange

Replacement and exchanges can be requested by the buyer and/or seller. Exchanges are based on value of the original purchased item, with current and equal value. A buyer must request a return and select the replacement or exchange option no later than 30 days after the actual (or latest estimated) delivery date, or, if the seller's return window is longer, within the return window.

Timelines for replacement and exchanges:

When the buyer requests a replacement or an exchange the seller has 3 business days to respond to the buyer. If no response is received after 3 business days the buyer can ask eoem to step in and help.

If a replacement or exchange is agreed upon, the buyer has 5 business days to ship the item back to the seller with return tracking. If the buyer doesn’t ship the item within 5 business days, the replacement or exchange will be closed.

If the buyer doesn’t ship the return item back to the seller, and the seller shipped the replacement or exchange with confirmed delivery scan, after 20 business days the seller will be paid the value of the additional item.

Latest estimated delivery date

When we have no information about the actual delivery date, we use the latest estimated delivery date. When we have no estimated delivery information, we consider the latest estimated delivery date to be 7 days from payment date for transactions between a buyer and seller in the same country, and 30 days from the payment date for buyers and sellers in different countries.

Extended timelines for Money Back Guarantee coverage

In some limited situations, we may extend the period of time in which a buyer is eligible for the Money Back Guarantee. This extra time allows us to take into consideration the buyer's location, the shipping service used, a seller's extended return window, national holidays, or delays due to circumstances such as natural disaster, national emergency, labor strike, or governmental act, or other circumstances such as fraud. In most instances, when we extend timelines for Money Back Guarantee coverage, in cases where the seller is responsible for requests opened during such an extended timeline

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